It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1970s TV Christmas, and Brian will count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1970s.
Brian spotlights a classic 1970s TV Hanukkah episode, "The Messiah on Mott Street," from Night Galley, in 1971
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian shows how Diff'rent Strokes spun off its Mrs. Garrett character for The Facts of Life very quickly.
It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1970s TV Christmas, and Brian will count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1970s.
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian looks at how Jake and the Fatman, itself a backdoor pilot spinoff of Matlock, then spun off Diagnosis: Murder through a backdoor pilot.
It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1970s TV Christmas, and Brian will count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1970s.
We celebrate Lifetime finally doing what we asked a year ago, to actually allow sex in Christmas romance movies
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian explains how Grady briefly moved away from Sanford and Son to go live with his daughter's family
It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1970s TV Christmas, and Brian will count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1970s.
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian looks at how Matlock spun off "The Fatman" of Jake and the Fatman, without Jake (but Jake was somehow there...sorta)