In a feature looking at recurring themes in pop culture, Brian spotlights five long-running TV shows that split their series into two separate syndication packages, with the two packages being different enough that it's...
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking to see what TV character made the most heroic sacrifice (not counting series finales).
We continue our countdown of Brian's favorite 1970s Christmas TV episodes with 1977's "A Child is Given" from Family
It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1960s TV Christmas, and Brian continues to count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1960s.
We look into the only other Christmas song that has a chance of passing Mariah Carey on top of the charts this year
In their latest look at abandoned pop culture plots, Brian shows how the Marvel Cinematic Universe quickly abandoned the idea that Thor was trapped in Asgard following the events of his first film
Brian explains why it is a bad idea for Christmas TV movies to be devoid of sex
It's the Pop Culture References Advent Calendar! This year's theme is Classic 1960s TV Christmas, and Brian continues to count down his favorite Christmas episodes from the 1960s.
We continue our countdown of Brian's favorite 1970s Christmas TV episodes with 1977's "'Twas the Pie Before Christmas" from The Bob Newhart Show.
In a new feature spotlighting notable cross-promotions, Brian examines how the latest episode of The Rookie has a painfully awkward Avatar: The Way of Water tie-in