6 thoughts on “Which TV Character Had the Most Egregious Absence From a Show’s Series Finale?

  1. Jadzia Dax from Worf’s flashbacks on DS9. They showed him somehow remembering being Duchamps in “Our Man Bashir” which was a hologram who looked like Worf, not actually Worf, but they didn’t show his WIFE who he was with for two ENTIRE seasons, married for one of them.

  2. I would pick the 1994 Quantum Leap episode Mirror Image for its poor treatment of 2 female characters.
    Admittedly both had only appeared in 2 episodes each (and different actresses in each episode) but both had so much personal significance to the lead characters that they deserved much better than they got – which in both cases is worse than simply not appearing.

    Donna Eleese-Beckett – Sam’s wife, left waiting for him but in the ending he never returns

    Tina Martinez – Al’s ladyfriend – one of the 2 characters in the opening scene of the first episode – bringing her back could have served as a bookend – instead her relationship with Al is retconned out of existence (which begs the question of why Dr Ruth had to fix the relationship issues)

  3. Does Robert Reed not being the last episode of The Brady Bunch count? Not a true series finale I know.

  4. Would have been nice to have included Gary Burghoff in M*A*S*H* finale. Have him call the base or some such event.

    Charisma Carpenter being ignored in Angel was wrong, but many things with Josh Whedon choices were wrong in hindsight.

  5. The total absence of Chuck in the Happy Days finale. He was totally retconned, I remember in his final speech saying “My two wonderful kids.” He’s the anti-Dawn.

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