25 thoughts on “We Don’t Need Authorial Intent to Know Who Red Reddington Was

  1. The writers must’ve started out with the story that he is Raymond Reddington and something happened to his family and Elizabeth is also his daughter but then changed at some point to him actually being Katarina. You can go back and watch season 1. When they go back to his old house the scene is very powerful. The way he touches the rail by the stairs and checks for where he measured the heights of his young daughter. He also says “I raised my family in this house”. Raising a family is not coming by and watching the kids every now and then like they show Katarina doing when they reveal he is Katarina at the end of season 8. There are several other instances early in the show that are consistent with this story. I really am still curious as to what would’ve happened if they continued on this storyline. I really would’ve liked to find out what happened to his family. It would have also been waaaaaayyyy cooler if somehow they still took us on this mystery as to his true identity but then he ended up still actually being the real Reddington. I liked that he was American and a man and a Naval Intelligence officer. That character was really cool to me and it’s extremely disappointing for a great show to effectively end like that. 🫤

  2. You are subsidizing authorial intent by your own conclusion. Bad writing changing storyline! Red’s intent all along was not to protect Liz but to expose her to his world through manipulation.

  3. when dom captured by fake katarina, why dom not know it, if he knew red is katarina, 😂

  4. I still think he was the real Reddington because of the burns all over his back they showed in a early episode. Liz said she left her father shot lying on his back in the fire when she was young…. explains the burn marks.

  5. You pretty much covered all the evidence. Though I completely disagree the concept was silly. It was brilliant and a unique concept that set this show apart from the others. Kudos to the showrunners, the writers, and entire cast and crew for giving us this wonderful show. Bravo!

  6. I have always said one of the biggest clues in the series was that episode Red whispered something into Kirk’s ear and Kirk, right there and then, withdrew from killing red. He would have no intention not to kill whoever Red was, except he was Katarina.
    Also, the series was very good with their words for those that were following literally and distinctly.
    Liz, very early in the series, maybe season 2 or 3 but I am not sure, asked Red if he was her father and Raymond said ‘No’. Later in the series, Liz told Raymond that he has always lied to her, but Raymond replied that ‘He had never lied to her, but only withheld from her’.
    It is as easy as it gets, if he said he had never lied to her, it meant when he said he wasn’t her father, then he wasn’t. So all hope on Raymond being the real Raymond is off and done for.
    To me, in the enter series, there can probably be only two major assumptions; either Raymond was Katarina or the real Raymond Reddington, but the series had distinctly, yet quietly said he wasn’t the Real Raymond.
    And that made the other assumption, was I think was proven, intact; Raymond is Katarina.

  7. The more people talk about the show, the more I fall in love with it. You can’t completely understand the show with a blear thinking. You need to think deep and bring yourself out of the Blacklisted box in order to understand the show.
    In conclusion, Red was Katarina

  8. I don’t think that the idea of Red really being Katarina is silly. It’s a fictional story and a damn good one! Suspend your disbelief and enjoy it!

  9. Reddington was definitely Katarina. The first big indication is in an episode no one seems to be talking about which is Cape May S3 E19. Red is stricken with grief after he thinks Liz is dead and he is alone at some beach except for an old beachcomber. Then we are led to believe Red hallucinates Katarina in the traditional sense but not so.

    First Big Clue

    Woman: Nothing about you is obvious. What brought you here?
    Red: I honestly don’t know.
    Woman: You’ve been here before.
    Red: Once, a long time ago. I was a very different person then. You?

    Second Big Clue

    Red: You said you lost someone. Harsh words were spoken. Words you regret.
    Woman: I was out of my mind. There was no one. Just me.
    Red: You don’t have to lie.
    Woman: Neither do you. You’re no hungrier than I am. You’re not enjoying a single bite of that.
    Red: I told you this is….
    Woman: Superb. The quality of the cooking is wholly irrelevant in this case, isn’t it? Given the circumstances.
    Red: And those are?
    Woman: You tell me. Tell yourself. Say it out loud.

    Third Big Clue

    Woman: You still have time to go.
    Red: I don’t know your name.
    Woman: Don’t be ridiculous, Raymond.

    That is a really big clue. Red never tells her his name. She hears the cop thanking “Mr. Donnelly” yet she knows his name is Raymond and even stranger he does not really react to this presentation of knowledge a stranger would not possess.

    Fourth Big Clue

    When he is “fighting” the intruders and Katarina says to him “behind you” to warn Red of an enemy at his back. Later in the episode it shows Red saying “behind you” to himself. This tells us that the woman he was seeing is literally being acted out by himself from within himself.

    This episode provides a lot of arrows and combined with all the other clues in other episodes there can be no doubt in my view. It would also explain why Red was so obsessed with Liz not finding out who he really was even though it is clear he has some huge attachment to her.

    If the criminal underworld found out he was not Raymond but in fact Katarina then obviously things would get very awkward for him. It is clear and in my mind beyond all doubt that Red was Katarina Rostova. She changed gender to take the dead Reddington’s identity and throw off her pursuers while protecting Liz aka Masha.

    In the next episode Red goes to Liz’s grandfather.

    You have no right to go through her things.

    And that’s my coat!

    I was just imagining

    young Katarina covered in glitter.

    As an adult, it’s easy
    to dismiss this stuff

    as girlish frivolity.

    You forget the wonder it creates,

    the light captured, secret wishes evoked.

    It renders even the darkest days sparkly.

    Never underestimate the power of glitter.

    Stop it.

    Stop what?

    Stop… torturing me.

    That was never my intention.

    Then what are you doing out here?

    These boxes are all I have…

    all I have left of my daughter.

    I’m sorry, Dom. I understand.

    No, you don’t. You don’t understand.

    You think because Masha’s dead,

    now you… you can understand me?

    You can… you can share my misery?

    I feel bereft, just like you.

    No, not just like me.

    She’s gone because of choices
    you made for both of them.

    First Katarina and then Masha.

    As far as I’m concerned, you
    killed my entire family!

    No, you’re not like me.

    This conversation takes on a whole disguised meaning when considered through the knowledge Red is Katarina.

    It all fits.

  10. Just one issue I have: Katarina really existed and was a woman, Red, whoever he really is, is a man. How do you get around this?

  11. There are a lot of clues in the series about red being Katarina but some things shows us that the clues were something that we won’t be able to figure out. Cape may and last episode of S8 hints that red is Katarina. Even in a conversation between Illya and Red they said something like they were childhood friends. I’m not sure which episode. And Dom telling to fake Katarina that Katarina took the archives but Red has it. But fake Katarina kinda ruined some clues.

    Wasn’t Dembe, Kalpan, Dom some of the people who knew Red’s identity. If Dom knew Red is Katarina then why he didn’t know that the woman was fake Katarina? Why was he acting like he is talking to real Katarina? Even in an episode Red asked Dom like what would he do if Katarina was standing in front of him. I’m not sure which episode it is. Dom replied to Red that it doesn’t matter, Katrina is not here. Is is a major clue of Red not being Katarina if Dom knew Red’s secret.

    Why would Kaplan betray Red if Kaplan knew he is Katarina? Red is Liz’s mother. She was talking like she promised Katarina that she would protect Liz at all costs. And she was keeping it with her heart. Katarina told her to keep this promise and that promise got against her. This doesn’t make sense. And when Kaplan was taking the duffel bag of bones she was saying “I’m sorry Katarina”. Like, why then? Why she didn’t say it when she betrayed Red.

    There was an episode where Red’s DNA was tested which came out as no match to Liz or Agnes. So he’s neither Reddington or Katarina.

    In the end, I think show became such that the writers can even make a link to Red as Katarina or someone else. That’s why they kept it a mystery throughout the series.

  12. Wasn’t Dembe, Kalpan, Dom some of the people who knew Red’s identity. If Dom knew Red is Katarina then why he didn’t know that the woman was fake Katarina? Why was he acting like he is talking to real Katarina? Even in an episode Red asked Dom like what would he do if Katarina was standing in front of him. I’m not sure which episode it is. Dom replied to Red that it doesn’t matter, Katrina is not here. Is is a major clue of Red not being Katarina if Dom knew Red’s secret.

    None of Dom’s dialogue suggests that he thinks Fake Katarina is Katarina. There’s just lots of double speak. You know, saying “My daughter,” but not making it clear who he is talking about, stuff like that.

    Why would Kaplan betray Red if Kaplan knew he is Katarina? Red is Liz’s mother. She was talking like she promised Katarina that she would protect Liz at all costs. And she was keeping it with her heart. Katarina told her to keep this promise and that promise got against her. This doesn’t make sense. And when Kaplan was taking the duffel bag of bones she was saying “I’m sorry Katarina”. Like, why then? Why she didn’t say it when she betrayed Red.

    She promised Katarina that she would protect Liz at all costs, even from Katarina/Red.

    There was an episode where Red’s DNA was tested which came out as no match to Liz or Agnes. So he’s neither Reddington or Katarina.

    Liz did do a DNA test on Red, but she never looked at the results. There was never a DNA test that said Red had no match with Liz or Agnes.

  13. there is no way he is Katarina. the conversation with Dom about the glitter makes it pretty clear she is gone if not dead. if reddington was Katarina dom wouldn’t have said any of that. then there’s the dozens of women reddington was with. did they all ignore the fact he is a woman??

  14. there is no way he is Katarina. the conversation with Dom about the glitter makes it pretty clear she is gone if not dead. if reddington was Katarina dom wouldn’t have said any of that. then there’s the dozens of women reddington was with. did they all ignore the fact he is a woman??

    Again, you can’t stack one weird conversation in season three that maybe goes against the plot point against five seasons’ worth of episodes that support the plot point. I’m not even bothering to parse the small stuff, as there was definitely some sloppy writing at times. The sheer volume supporting Katarina as Red is overwhelming. When the only opposing arguments are, “But what about this line in Season 3?” or “What about that line in Season 1?” or whatever, it just doesn’t work.

    if reddington was Katarina dom wouldn’t have said any of that. then there’s the dozens of women reddington was with. did they all ignore the fact he is a woman??

    Yep, the whole thing is silly, agreed. As I note in the article above, Red’s magic plastic surgery IS definitely silly. It’s just also clearly what happened. I don’t like the idea myself, it just is what it is. This isn’t a defense of the plot point, just noting that it is the plot point.

  15. you people are forgetting that remond reddinton had love interests and had sex in the show which Katrina wouldn’t and how do you explain the voice

  16. liz: “Are you my father?”
    Red: “No”

    Alexander kirk: “Is Elizabeth Keen your Daughter?”
    Red: “Yes”

    Now people with brains do the math

  17. liz: “Are you my father?”
    Red: “No”

    Alexander kirk: “Is Elizabeth Keen your Daughter?”
    Red: “Yes”

    Now people with brains, do the math

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