5 thoughts on “Die Another Day: One Homage Each For the First 20 Bond Films in the Franchise

  1. Most of these will fly, but the Geodesic Dome in question a) isn’t one at all and b) is a London landmark, what was then the Millennium Dome.

    I’m also calling shenanigans on the Living Daylights connection: that is a VIOLIN in Q’s lab. a cello is huge, and that’s just sitting on a shelf!

  2. Fair enough on the cello! I put a new The Living Daylights Easter Egg.

    As for the domes, of course they didn’t invent the Millennium Dome, but they used it in the one film and then homaged it with another dome in Die Another Day.

  3. Octopussy is ALL OVER that lab.

    The coil rope (where Bond asks Q if he’s “having trouble keeping it up”) is visible on the bottom shelf in the picture where the helmet from For Your Eyes Only is.

    One of the wings of the plane Bond uses to make his getaway in the opening gunbarrel is on the wall behind the crocodile

    And you mentioned the croc lol

  4. The “you Only live rowdy reference is musical.
    There is a brief phrase from the 1967 song played during the exterior scenes of the cabin, helicopter parked outside.

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