Today, our second annual Pop Culture References Tournament continues! This year, the tournament is Favorite Star Trek character!
Looking through all of the Star Trek live action TV shows (sorry, animated shows! Not enough room!), I eliminated any actor who wasn’t a main character on a show for more than a single season (so we lose Tasha Yar, Dr. Pulaski, Captain Lorca and more that way). I accidentally left off one character, so Malcolm Reed got bumped from the tournament period (he was going to be a #16 going against Jean-Luc Picard, so he’s not missing much, but still, my apologies, Malcolm Reed!) I ranked everyone by my best approximation of how Star Trek fans view the characters (not my personal rankings). I asked my buddy, Star Trek expert Rich Handley, and he helped massage my rankings a bit here and there until we were both pretty happy with the order.
And now, you all just vote!
We’ll continue with Round Five, the Final Four, of the winners of all of the four regions! You can also just use the hashtag #pcrtrekpoll on Twitter to get all of the open polls!
It's the Final Four! 1. Spock vs. 1. Data #startrek #pcrtrekpoll
— Pop Culture References (@poprefs) April 2, 2023
1. James T. Kirk vs. 1. Jean-Luc Picard #startrek #pcrtrekpoll
— Pop Culture References (@poprefs) April 2, 2023