Sheila Kuehl explains how her sexuality, even when she was still heavily in the closet, cost her her acting career in the early 1960s
Brian Cronin
In the latest Pop Culture Questions Answered, Brian tries to determine when, exactly, Star Trek: The Next Generation, got good.
In a look at pop culture moments that we wish we could forget, Brian looks at what a bad idea the villain reveal was in the first Mission: Impossible motion picture.
Now that the original Quantum Leap pilot has aired as its sixth episode, Brian details the various changes made to the pilot to make it work as episode six.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking for what you think you is the the best example of the "rule of cool" seen in a movie.
Tonight's episode of Quantum Leap was originally going to be the show's pilot - look to see how it is edited tonight!
In a feature looking at pop culture moments that have different meanings in hindsight, Brian spotlights how Tina Cole starred on Hawaiian Eye a year before trying to keep the cast of My Three...
Brian explains how Three's Company's plotlines were often very similar to Silver Age comic book plots, especially from the Superman group of titles.
In a new feature spotlighting actors who routinely do strong guest appearances on TV series, Brian spotlights five fine TV performances by Jordan Baker.
In a feature looking at if or when a TV series since 2006 "jumped the shark," Brian asks you all to determine when (or if) Superstore jumped the shark.