Today, it is our third annual Pop Culture References Tournament! This year, the tournament is Favorite Star Wars character!
Looking through all of the Star Wars TV shows and movies that are currently in continuity (so no book characters, no comic book characters, and no characters whose shows are no longer “in continuity”), I poured through way too many darn Top ___ Star Wars characters lists. Too many to count. So many lists. I then tried to balance all of the various lists and come up with a selection of 64 ranked choices that seemed fair enough to me. The good thing is that if you think a character is ranked too low, then, well, just vote for them! If they were too low, then they’ll win and it’ll all be good! And if they lose, well, you know.
And now, you all just vote! You can also use the hashtag #pcrstarwarspoll to get to the open polls.
We’re now at the Final Four!
The 2024 Pop Culture References Tournament continues! It's Star Wars characters this year! We begin Round Five, the Final Four! #pcrstarwarspoll #StarWars 1. Anakin/Darth Vader vs. 1. Leia Organa
— Pop Culture References (@poprefs) April 7, 2024
1. Han Solo vs. 1. Luke Skywalker #pcrstarwarspoll #StarWars
— Pop Culture References (@poprefs) April 7, 2024