In a spotlight on pop culture retcons that 'overturn' past stories, see how Chandler met Rachel for the first time in the Friends pilot, despite having made out with her years earlier at a...
Brian Cronin
In the latest Pop Culture Easter Eggs, Brian shares the first two opening title Easter Eggs from the third season of the hit Hulu TV series, Only Murders in the Building.
In a feature looking at the background behind famous TV theme songs, Brian notes that ironically, "Thank You For Being a Friend" was specifically NOT about older friends.
In a look at pop culture moments that we wish we could forget, Brian explains why he thinks Pearl Jam handled "Jeremy" poorly
The writers of The Blacklist have said who they intended Red Reddington's true identity to be, but we don't even need to look that far to know the answer
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm asking you what was the weirdest consolidation move on a sitcom.
Secret Invasion's lack of fan interest could really prove to be a major problem for the Marvel Cinematic Universe if fans start to embrace skipping MCU content
The late Sinead O'Connor dealt with a number of unfair moments in her career, and she took issue with Bob Dylan for one of them in 1992
In a feature spotlighting interesting commercials and advertisements, Brian marvels at when the M&M's commercials acknowledged how weird it was that their M&M's character ate....well, you know, M&M's
Brian explains why there is a limit to how much new continuity you can pile on to an adaptation until you're really no longer adapting anything