In a feature looking at the journeys of songs that eventually became notable from a cover version, Brian looks at how the inspiration for "Whatta Man" saw the original singer driven out of the...
Brian Cronin
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian looks at how The Brady Bunch's 'Kelly's Kids' didn't work out, but led to a similar sitcom over a decade later
In the latest Pop Culture Wake-Up Call, the challenge is to figure out which hit songs sampled these OTHER hit songs
In a spotlight on pop culture retcons that 'overturn' past stories, see Luke Skywalker becoming Darth Vader's son changed the Star Wars mythology and became one of the great movie retcons ever.
In a spotlight on pop culture retcons, see how M went from being the new head of MI6 to the original head of MI6 in the James Bond films.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what your favorite Star Trek film is.
In a feature spotlighting plots that were a mistake, Brian takes a look at how gross Growing Pains treated Tracey Gold with her weight issues.
In a column on pop culture "pet peeves" of his, Brian complains about how long-running shows never seem to actually use their actual history when bringing back characters with grudges
In the latest collection of recurring pieces of pop culture, Brian spotlights five times notable love interests were brought back on TV sitcoms to allow some closure with their former romantic partners.
In a column on pop culture "pet peeves" of his, Brian complains about the absurd way that old sitcoms try to act like beautiful young women, well, aren't.