Today, we look at a bizarre ad that uses sex to sell an online poker game.
This is “I Saw It Advertised One Day,” a feature spotlighting commercials and other advertisements that interested me for whatever reason.
Nowadays, all of the “Win money by playing games” apps (which, I mean, if you want to play them, go right ahead, but it’s just a variation of gambling on slots. Go for it if you want, but don’t act like it’s something it isn’t) know that they have to REALLY stand out to make people pay attention to their ads, but the other day, Texas Poker Party had just a ludicrous add involving sex. I’ve included some screenshots I took the SECOND time I saw the ad (obviously I wasn’t ready to take screenshots the first time I saw it pop up).
It opens with a woman and a guy having sex, and the woman telling the guy how much she enjoys how he makes her XXX….
She is clearly quite into this encounter (she is cheating on her husband with this guy)…
But then he stops, as he has to get back to his video game…
She, of course, is quite irritated by this behavior…
He, though, just explains how good the game is…
That is one crazy, crazy ad.
If anyone has any interesting commercials or ads that they’d like to see me spotlight, drop me a line at brian@popculturereferences.com.
Not sure what the sexy part of this is.
They’re having sex in the ad.