2 thoughts on “Mad Men Explains What the Money Is For

  1. I’m reminded of a Perry Mason novel where he takes Della and Paul out for dinner, gives the staff a whopping tip and compliments them.
    Paul: “Wasn’t the money enough, Perry?”
    Perry: “Money without compliments is tacky. Compliments without money are cheap.”
    Which is to say, I kind of side with Perry.

  2. Agreed, I think the greatness of “The Suitcase” is that Don is obviously being a dick to Peggy by taking her for granted (which ultimately leads to her leaving the firm), but at the same time, Peggy is probably being unrealistic due to how much Don clearly respects her ideas, which makes her think they’re closer to being peers while he is clearly very much her boss. She rose from basically nowhere to become a valued copywriter as a woman in her 20s in the 1960s! That’s pretty amazing.

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