In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what musical artist shocked you by NOT being a "one-hit wonder."
In a feature looking at times that a celebrity embraces a team, school or product that might prefer NOT to be embraced, Brian looks at Vanilla Ice's long connection to The U
In a feature explaining surprising cameos in TV shows, movies and songs, Brian explains why Matt Damon appeared in the 2004 teen sex comedy, Eurotrip.
In a feature looking at recurring themes in pop culture, Brian spotlights five teen-centric TV series that actually embraced the show moving from high school to a college setting.
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian looks at an attempt to flip the Barney Miller show concept completely on its head for a possible new series.
In a feature looking at the journeys of songs that eventually became famous from a cover version, Brian looks at the song Milli Vanilli later 'sang,' 'Girl You Know It's True'
In the latest Pop Culture Questions Answered, discover why Blofeld made Bond such an unusual offer in For Your Eyes Only.
In the latest weekly Pop Culture Wake-Up Call quiz, the theme is naming films that could be best described as 'Die Hard on a....'
There is a controversy on this season of Big Brother, where an alliance made up of Black contestants has been dominating the game. Brian explains why it not "racist."
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what song's use in a movie has had the biggest jump in your appreciation of that song?