During a scene where her character drunkenly pines for Denzel Washington, Jasmine Guy was surprised by the real Denzel Washington in a prank that scared the daylights out of her
In a spotlight on pop culture retcons that 'overturn' past stories, see how Leia's memories of her birth mother didn't make any sense after the events of Revenge of the Sith.
In a feature looking at recurring themes in pop culture, Brian spotlights five shows that quickly gave up on its college setting and just had everyone become full-fledged adults at 19, 20 or 21....
A look at the awkward comparison between Olivia Rodrigo's award-winning break-up songs and Joshua Bassett's weak responses to her songs
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what TV characters you like that everyone else seems to hate.
Today, in a look at interesting anecdotes from interviews and books, hear Julie Newmar's thoughts about a classic episode of Batman where Catwoman tried to seduce the Caped Crusader
In a spotlight on notable pop culture firsts, discover what was the first film or TV series to have a cameo from an actor who was in an earlier version of that film or...
In a feature displaying really cool artifacts from pop culture history, Brian shows what is apparently the original drawing John Lennon's son drew in nursery school of 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'
In a feature looking at if or when a TV series since 2006 "jumped the shark," Brian asks you all to determine when (or if) True Blood jumped the shark.
In a new feature displaying really cool artifacts from pop culture history, Brian shows the check that was used to purchase the rights to Superman.