Today, I want to know which TV character catchphrase is the coolest.
Pop Culture Theme Time is a feature where I put a question to you to see what you think about a particular theme. I might later revisit the theme for a future Drawing Crazy Patterns or Top Five.
In general, the whole concept of a TV catchphrase is pretty darn stupid (Happy Days likely took the idea to the most absurd levels that we’ll ever see, as the writers were actively trying to give each character on the rather large ensemble their own catchprhase. Hmm…Full House was also pretty darn bad at catchphrases…it’s hard to say who was more absurd).
In any event, as dumb as catchphrases are USUALLY, there are still a number of actually GOOD ones and I’d like to know which one you think is the best. I’m going with Lt. Columbo’s “Just one more thing,” the bit in every Columbo episode where he mentions right as he is seemingly walking away and letting a murderer get away with their crime that makes it clear that, nope, he is on to them…
It’s just so perfect, even if it is also highly structured, like kicking off to start the third quarter of a football game. It’s just a natural part of how things work in Columbo-land.
Okay, that’s my pick.
What’s yours?
And feel free to suggest future Pop Culture Theme Time topics to me at brian@popculturereferences.com!
McNulty on The Wire: “What the f—- did I do?”
If we can allow cartoons, I’d take Yakko Warner’s “Good night, everybody!”