In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking for what you think is the best season-ending cliffhanger on a TV series
Pop Culture Theme Time
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know which film character you think had the all-time best introductory scene.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking for your pick for the all-time best live action TV pet (not counting pets who starred in their shows, of course).
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking for your pick for the best original fair play movie murder mystery
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking for your pick for the oddest lesson that a sitcom ever tried to EARNESTLY get across in an episode.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm asking you what what is the biggest unresolved plot point on a TV series.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what official movie sequel you think had the biggest drop in quality from the previous film in the series.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know which TV character you think had the all-time best introductory scene.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know which TV character's origin reveal improved them the most as a character in your eyes.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who is your favorite reformed TV villain.