1 thought on “Gone Girl’s ‘Cool Girl’ Speech Remains One of the More Open-Ended Cool Movie Quotes

  1. I haven’t read the book or seen the movie, but I did catch the author Gillian Flynn on Velshi’s Banned Book Club. So take my comments for what they’re worth.

    Amy’s rant about Cool girls is a gross generalization, just like the notion that women are from Venus and men are from Mars. For the record, I’ve been married three times, and each of those women was very different. I was married to the second for ten years, and we remained good friends until her death. I’ve been married to the third for forty years. Both of those women changed considerably over those years.

    For that matter, so did I. My wants, needs and desires changes as I got older. I was certainly more willing to compromise, that is to say, physical attraction became less important to me. Anyone who doesn’t change over the course of their life is a fool incapable of learning from their mistakes.

    In my experience, and what I perceive from observing the lives of my siblings and friends, is that in the initial stages of a relationship, women tend – and I stress tend – to be more reserved, that is to say, less willing to expose their true selves, in order to please the object of their affection. Seems to me, Amy is saying the same thing about Cool girls in her rant.

    But eventually, the real person emerges, and that can come as a shock to the other party, especially if they were attempting to present their true self (at least at that point in their life) from the beginning of the relationship. The halo effect is a well-known dynamic, especially among marriage counselors. The first two years or so in a relationship are often filled with excitement and surprises. If that wasn’t so, the relationship probably wouldn’t last two years.

    But it isn’t possible to maintain that elevated emotional state over the long haul; not when bills, babies, and boredom begin to intrude in that relationship. Marriage is entirely different from courtship, to use a word not much in fashion these days. An old adage applies: “Kissing don’t last, but cooking do.” Or to resort to one of my own: Courtship is a feast; marriage is three square meals a day.

    As I said at the outset, take my opinions for what they’re worth, and please forgive me my sins and generalizations, for I am a man from Mars.

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