In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who is your all-time favorite ditzy TV character
Pop Culture Theme Time
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who you think has been the best live action TV series based on a Marvel comic book
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who you think was the worst way that an actor was temporarily written out of a TV show to film a movie.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who you think is the "Voice of the 80s" in your mind.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what ship that you actually wanted to see happen was handled the worst when it actually DID happen.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what you think was the best debut film performance by an actor in a film you saw when it first came out
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what you think was the best TV theme that used an existing song.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know who you think was the best recurring guest star on a TV show.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what you think is the all-time best "bottle episode" of a TV sitcom.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm asking you what you think was the strangest case of an actor getting demoted from a regular to a recurring character on a TV series.