8 thoughts on “How Even Closeted, Sheila Kuehl’s Sexuality Cost Her Her Booming Acting Career

  1. I am a straight old guy but even as a kid in the 60’s I remember my very cool jazz loving uncle showing up at every family event with a woman.As a wee lad I knew what was up I am sure it tore him up to feel that was in necessary even though everyone knew his truth.. We didn’t care but who knows what his employer would have done had they known.?Thankfully he found his soul mate and lived a very happy open last half of his life.Are things perfect now? of course not. Ask your Christian or Muslim or extreme Jewish friends how they feel about this subject 😡

  2. Such a shame when you know the CBS exec is blowing kids and his casting couch is full of jizz stains from the starlets he laid bare( pun intended) . Have things changed in 70 years?? Not much when it come to two faced hypocrites with a little power in their hands. Such a shame. She was a little dynamo and even as a kid I had a feeling about her. Little boys know, because little boys blow, all their friends in the neighborhood.

  3. Society needs to be real about this sin that invades our society…stop making excuses for this disgusting behavior. Help these people that are making excuses and don’t allow them to believe this is normal. Just as Adultery and fornication are sin, so are same sex relationships! People need to wake up and repent of these lifestyles and be responsible for their choices. As much as people have made themselves believe that this behavior is acceptable in God’s sight…it is not! Unless these sins are aborted before you die, God will one day judge according to the truth of his word. Then it will be be to late. Don’t let anyone allow you to believe your sin is okay…God says it is NOT OKAY!
    God loves you immensely but hates your sin. Allow him to set you free!

  4. To Stephanie Coda:

    It sounds like someone’s trying to get a promotion to the Sin Police! But seriously, if we’re going to talk about sin, let’s not pick and choose which ones to focus on. If you’re that concerned with other people’s lives, maybe start with the plank in your own eye before pointing out the speck in theirs. God’s love isn’t conditional, and if we spent more time loving and less time judging, the world would be a better place. After all, God’s love is big enough for everyone, no matter who they are or who they love.

  5. Lisa of Boston. I seriously believe yo completely failed to comprehend what Stephanie Coda was saying. In a nutshell: GOD LOVES US ALL; BUT…NOT WHAT WE DO RE SIN. Any sin. No sin will ever be forgiven by GOD if not corrected or, repented.

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