Today, we’re looking at the debuts of some comic book alien races.
Pop Culture Wake-Up Call is a weekly quiz about either movies, TV or music (plus I’ll throw a comic book one in there now and again, perhaps more frequently if you folks would like, maybe even a “potpourri” one in the future).
I’ll disable comments for these quizzes. You just e-mail me your answers (I don’t think I need to tell you to not use Google) at brian@popculturereferences.com and I’ll post the answers to this week’s quiz along with the person who got the most correct (multiple people if there is a tie) in a comment on the original quiz.
The following 20 comic books feature the first appearance of an alien race. Name the alien race that appeared for the first time in the given issue.
1. Action Comics #267
2. Thor #129
3. Showcase #17
4. Incredible Hulk #140
5. Fantastic Four #2 (1961)
6. Uncanny X-Men #155
7. Action Comics #1 (1938)
8. X-Men #97 (1975)
9. Green Lantern #7 (1961)
10. Fantastic Four #10 (1962)
11. Adventure Comics #346
12. Rom #1
13. Action Comics #242
14. DC Comics Presents #26
15. Silver Surfer #2 (1968)
16. Adventure Comics #467
17. Fantastic Four #64 (1967)
18. Brave and the Bold #34
19. X-Men #65 (1969)
20. Green Lantern #2 (1960)
Good luck and have fun!
1. Action Comics #267 – Durlans
2. Thor #129 – Rigellians
3. Showcase #17 – Rannians
4. Incredible Hulk #140 – K’aians
5. Fantastic Four #2 (1961) – Skrulls
6. Uncanny X-Men #155 – The Brood
7. Action Comics #1 (1938) – Kryptonians
8. X-Men #97 (1975) – Shi’ar
9. Green Lantern #7 (1961) – Korugarans
10. Fantastic Four #10 (1962) – Ovoids
11. Adventure Comics #346 – Khunds
12. Rom #1 – Dire Wraiths and Galadorians
13. Action Comics #242 – Coluans
14. DC Comics Presents #26 – Tamaranians
15. Silver Surfer #2 (1968) – Badoon
16. Adventure Comics #467 – Kranaltinians
17. Fantastic Four #64 (1967) – Kree
18. Brave and the Bold #34 – Thanagarians
19. X-Men #65 (1969) – Z’nox
20. Green Lantern #2 (1960) – Qwardians
Reader Nelson S. was the winner with 16 correct!