4 thoughts on “Hawkeye Pierce’s Family Changed Drastically Over the Course of M*A*S*H

  1. Another maybe change is in Hawkeye’s father’s occupation. In an earlyish episode, Hawkeye calls Last of the Mohicans (from which he got his nickname) the only book his father ever read. By the later seasons, it had been established that Hawkeye’s dad was also a physician, which kinda makes it unlikely that he only read one book ever. But even if the only-book-my-father-ever-read thing was not to be taken literally, it does seem there was some evolution to Hawkeye’s dad’s occupation over the series.

  2. I think they actually went back and forth on his dad being a physician, Tommy. Sometimes they definitely did say he was a doctor, but other times, he talked to him like he clearly wasn’t (you know, like explaining really basic medical terms to him).

  3. That’s nothing. Hot Lip’s father died in one episode and left her a riding crop and then came to visit her some seasons later.

  4. That’s nothing. Hot Lip’s father died in one episode and left her a riding crop and then came to visit her some seasons later.

    Yeah, the show definitely had a lot of changes to the backstories of the characters as the series went on!

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