9 thoughts on “My Problem With Seinfeld’s ‘Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That’

  1. As a gay man I wasn’t the least bit offended by this episode or use of the phrase. I still laugh when i watch it.

  2. Seen as a step forward for gay representation, yes, it’s ridiculous to pat the show on the back. However, true to George and Jerry, it highlights a fragile part of their masculinity. The episode isn’t about gay people as much about “straight” people, desperate to maintain their rigid self-definition. George can’t help but look at the man to man sponge bath in the hospital with his mother. Kramer probably does want to kiss the phone man. And the intimacy to George and Jerry’s relationship, while neither romantic nor sexual, is enough that it disturbs their manly ideas of themselves. That’s why the episode works then and works now – it’s about the gay panic, it’s about fear keeping Jerry and George from being totally comfortable with their closeness.

  3. Also, the real thing to take a look at, is Jerry almost hooking up with an NYU undergrad, lol

  4. Seen as a step forward for gay representation, yes, it’s ridiculous to pat the show on the back.

    But that’s seriously how it was presented at the time! I agree that it works as an examination of gay panic, but that wasn’t what they were going for at the time.

  5. Did you ever think that the “panic” that comes from being accused of being gay, when not in actuality being gay, is that as a young, heterosexual male, you are always on the make for your next partner? And if you are accused of being gay, when in fact you are not, it’s going to drastically hinder your chances of finding a female mate? Or, at the least, limit your playing field. Generally, heterosexual females shy away from males who they feel are “playing for the other team”. If you watch the show and learn anything at all, dating in the mid 90’s could be difficult for these guys even without a possible mate thinking they were gay, from the jump. Please, stop virtue signaling…..Let me guess, in the 70’s you were out fighting for trans rights? Because you’re soooo enlightened.

  6. When someone sticks a label on you you can object if it isn’t accurate. Like misgendering. Not wanting be called a gender you aren’t isn’t about having a problem with that gender, but wanting to be seen by others the way you see yourself.

    Objecting to being labeled with something you’re not, but aware enough to also not want to be associated with homophobia seems good. Equating that with “gay panic” seems to forget that people tried to use their anxiety around queer issues as a defense for violence. I think what George and Jerry are saying is we’re not gay, but don’t take that to mean we side with the homophobes. Being aware enough to say “but don’t include me in straight bigotry” seems good to me.

  7. > it is so odd, because it definitely works as what two not-so-great guys would THINK would cover up their gay panic,

    But that’s the whole point of the episode.

    While George and Jerry themselves may not be bigoted towards gay people, they’re still being homophobic because they’re not challenging the homophobia of the society they live in.

    The episode won a GLAAD award because it highlights the absurdity and hypocrisy of people who proclaim they have no problem with homosexuality, while simultaneously being horrified by the possibility of people thinking they’re gay.

  8. But that’s the whole point of the episode.

    It is not. They were NOT mocking George and Jerry at the time. They got GLAAD awards because that’s how pathetic the treatment of gay people were in popular culture at the time, that someone even saying, “Not that there’s anything wrong with it” was a step UP.

    I agree, though, that if the intent was to mock George and Jerry (which it wasn’t), then it would have been a sharp piece of writing. It wasn’t. And we know this because they talked about that episode a LOT at the time, and all of their interviews were about how they were able to do gay panic without being offensive to gay people.

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