In their latest look at abandoned pop culture plots, Brian shows how The Bold Type dropped a romance when one of the show's leads objected to the romantic pairing.
In the first of the weekly Pop Culture Wake-Up Call quizzes, the theme of this first quiz is songs with parenthetical statements in their titles (and you can fill in the rest).
In a feature spotlighting plots that were almost assuredly a mistake, Brian takes a look at how poorly the film, Vision Quest, handles an attempted date rape in the film.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I want to know what you think are the worst recurring bits on shows that you otherwise really enjoyed.
In a feature looking at the journeys of songs that eventually became famous from a cover version, we open up by showing how "From a Distance" became a surprise smash hit.
In the latest Pop Culture Questions Answered, discover the origins of the popular film term, "McGuffin."
In a feature looking at recurring themes in pop culture, Brian spotlights five great actors who regularly worked in television without ever being a listed cast member on a TV series.
In a feature looking at creators revisiting their own work after a number of years, Brian shows how Elton John broke out a surprising sequel to "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" 15 years after...
In the latest Top Five, Brian counts down the most egregious puns that James Bond ever delivered in his films.
In the latest in a feature spotlighting backdoor pilots, Brian looks at Erin Gray's J. Digger Doyle, who outsmarted Thomas Magnum, but was it enough to get her own series?