Tonight's episode of Quantum Leap was originally going to be the show's pilot - look to see how it is edited tonight!
Quantum Leap
In a new feature spotlighting actors who routinely do strong guest appearances on TV series, Brian spotlights five fine TV performances by Jordan Baker.
In a new feature dealing with speculation about future TV plotlines, Brian wonders what the twist ending of the most recent episode of Quantum Leap means for the series going forward
In a spotlight on pop culture retcons that 'overturn' past stories, see how the current Quantum Leap has now changed the entire process of how leaping occurs
In a feature noting when shows make mistakes, Brian explains why Quantum Leap should still have a theme song.
In a feature explaining choices he would make on certain TV shows or films, Brian details his theory as to why Addison on Quantum Leap should be Sam Beckett's biological granddaughter.
In the newest Pop Culture Theme Time, I'm looking to see what you think is the coolest heroic entrance on a TV series.
In the latest Top Five, Brian counts down the late, great Dean Stockwell's best episodes of Quantum Leap.
In TV bingo, Brian tries to find out if Quantum Leap hit enough TV drama cliches on a bingo card to hit a "bingo"!
In a new feature about never realized pop culture projects, Brian discusses the alternate ending for Quantum Leap's Season 5 finale had the show been renewed for a sixth season.