2 thoughts on “Who Was the Valerie in Steve Winwood’s ‘Valerie’?

  1. Brian, your story here is a poor example of an answer to a question about who was the song “Valerie” by Steve Winwood and Will Jennings about. The girth of Valeries work extends way beyond what your answer describes. Did you have a deadline to meet you couldn’t meet, or just a need to pick up a check? The album is “Just a Stones Throw Away” and nothing to be tossed about. “The Way it Is” another masterpiece of the time you failed to mention, but it didn’t begin or end there. Not only would you serve yourself well, but to get out of yourself enough to feature her complete story, incuding the girth of Valeries discography. You may find out it will be more than an apology for what you’ve written here. The link might be a great place for you to start finding out exactly how great of an accomplished artists she still is. There have been two compilations released since her passing titled “Valerie Carter The Lost Tapes Volumes I and II retrospectively. They include collaborations with Prince, Jackson Browne, Will Jennings, Paul Williams, and members of Little Feat including Lowell George among many others. Furthermore, there is rumors of a volume 3 release from baked tapes from the vaults where the multitrack masters were saved. Unfortunately it is not in my privilege to release the name of who one of the major collaboraters she was working with, but after reading your story it sounds like you may be very surprised and enlightened. Thanks for being here just the same, and as always peace on and off your shores.

  2. This is a very poor observation of the life of Valerie Carter. She was a brilliant artist, both as a writer and singer. The first time I heard her sing, in the mid 70’s, is a memory as fresh as if it was yesterday. “Money Machine” from James Taylor. I became a devoted fan after that, searching out her other work. “A Stones Throw Away” and “Wild Child” were two of the finest albums ever produced. Her work with other artists is legendary. “Spinning” with Christopher Cross is another example. I was officially a VC fan girl in my teens! And into my adult life. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting her in 1990, she was with James Taylor’s tour. When I met her, my teenage hero in front of me, was a moment I’ll never forget! It broke my heart when I learned of her later troubles. But it didn’t diminish my love of her music, or her, for that matter. This piece about “Valerie” truly was just shy of insulting to a great artist.

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