Today, the challenge is to name fictional cities/towns from cartoons.
Pop Culture Wake-Up Call is a weekly quiz about either movies, TV or music.
I’ll disable comments for these quizzes. You just e-mail me your answers (I don’t think I need to tell you to not use Google) at brian@popculturereferences.com and I’ll post the answers to this week’s quiz along with the person who got the most correct (multiple people if there is a tie) in a comment on the original quiz.
The following 20 cities appear only on cartoon shows. Name the cartoon that each city is from.
1. Springfield
2. Frostbite Falls
3. Townsville
4. Arlen
5. Peach Creek
6. Lawndale
7. Duckburg
8. New New York
9. Bedrock
10. Hillwood
11. Dimmsdale
12. Walkerville
13. Quahog
14. Bluffington
15. Nowhere
16. Farburg
17. Bikini Bottom
18. St. Canard
19. Middleton
20. Bumblescum
Good luck, and have fun!
The following 20 cities appear only on cartoon shows. Name the cartoon that each city is from.
1. Springfield – The Simpsons
2. Frosbite Falls – Rocky and Bullwinkle
3. Townsville – Powerpuff Girls
4. Arlen – King of the Hill
5. Peach Creek – Ed, Edd and Eddy
6. Lawndale – Daria
7. Duckburg – Duck Tales
8. New New York – Futurama
9. Bedrock – The Flintstones
10. Hillwood – Hey Arnold!
11. Dimmsdale – The Fairly OddParents
12. Walkerville – The Magic School Bus
13. Quahog – Family Guy
14. Bluffington – Doug
15. Nowhere – Courage the Cowardly Dog
16. Farburg – CatDog
17. Bikini Bottom – Spongebob Squarepants
18. St. Canard – Darkwing Duck
19. Middleton – Kim Possible
20. Bumblescum – Family Guy
The winner is reader Mark G., who got 15 correct!